June 2023: Medicare Advantage or Medicare Supplement?

I recently had the privilege of helping a wonderful lady that had a Medicare Supplement plan. She was paying around $300 per month for both the supplement plan and her prescription drug plan combined. Her finances were tight, and I asked her why she opted for a supplement plan.

Usually people that opt for supplements need the flexibility of being able to go out of network when they want to. For instance, someone that travels quite often, has multiple homes in multiple states, or wants to see several specialists outside of the service area (and a MA PPO is not an option).

Her response to the “why a supplement?” question was essentially that she didn’t know. She was under the impression she needed it and there were no other options. I dug deeper to make sure there wasn’t something I was missing. She only had her primary doctor that she wanted to be sure to keep (no specialists) and all of her prescription drugs were covered on most Medicare Advantage plans in her area.

I also discovered she has diabetes, a Chronic Special Need, which qualifies her for a Chronic Special Needs plan (C-SNP) that was tailored to helping her with her diabetic needs.

We were able to take her monthly payments of that ~$300 per month down to $55 per month! She was so incredibly happy as the savings are huge to someone on a tight budget. She also gained extra benefits she was not currently receiving such as dental, vision, and an Over-the-Counter allowance!

If you are currently on a Medicare Supplement plan and think you may be overpaying for services you do not need, please book a FREE consultation today!

“We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all your options.”

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